Workshops ◆
1:1 Training ◆
Demos ◆
Directing ◆


Welcome to DemoManiacs!

Voice Over Training



Voice Over Training ✦ Demos ✦ Direction ✦

  • “Since you get booked most often for what you sound like naturally, you must connect to your true sound. Your own authentic voice. At DemoManiacs we’ll help you get there.”

    — Janice Hawke, the Main Maniac



 Workshops are incredibly valuable for filling up your VO Tool Box with new skills and techniques. A safe space to play and practice taking direction. There is potential for big learning from listening to others take direction and adjust their performances.

1:1 Training

Working 1:1 with a coach can be a game changer! A coach can really challenge you and offer fresh perspectives on your reads. You’ll be held accountable for the homework which keeps you moving forward. 1:1 Coaching has the potential to create huge strides in a short time.


When you're ready to make a demo, DemoManiacs is the best place to be! Custom scripts are written just for you to highlight your unique voice, range and marketability. We don’t over colour the demos with too many bells and whistles so it showcases YOU!


 Are you in need of a Voice Director for your next project? Well, the right director ‘hears’ the big picture and will guide the entire team to a successful end product! Not sure you need one? Got questions about how it works? Drop us a message and we’ll get in touch!







Snack on these voice bites…



“WOW! My new demo turned out so great! Janice makes the booth feel like home. I had a smidge of nervousness and Janice helped calm me down. She and her DemoManiacs team were on the ball and made me feel very involved with the process. Thank you so much!”

— Amanda, Voice Actor



“I loved how warm and welcoming everyone was, it made me feel super comfortable. Recording was a blast and I'm super impressed with the final quality of the mix. I highly recommend recording at DemoManiacs!

— Colin, Actor



“The demos sound great and Bennett seems very proud! Thank you so much DemoManiacs!”

— Kathryn, Bennett’s mom


Hungry for more?

 Meet the Maniacs


Meet the Main Maniac, Janice Hawke

She’s the head honcho, the top-dog, (although she would prefer top-cat) and knows how to help her clients get the results they want.

Reach out for a call with Janice to get you started on your VO journey!


Meet the AniManiac, Susan Hart

Susan is our super duper AniManiac! Susan loves all things animation and can often be heard saying that she “likes cartoon characters more than real people.” :)

Susan’s coaching will help you learn how to up your game and nail your animation auditions!


Meet the Mix & Master Maniac

Meet Neil, our fabulous engineer who makes it look so easy. He loves making demos, music and making you sound fantastic!

Read past snippets of

The Voice Loop